"Be ye reconciled to God!"(2 Corinthians 5:20)
Often we hear the charge of "troublemaker" leveled at those who preach the truth of God's grace and declare it to be THE truth, to the exclusion of all other "truths." "You're just trying to start a fight," they say. But, we do not hold unswervingly to the truth of God's free and sovereign grace hoping to start a fight. Rather we do it hoping to end one!
Man has been at war with God ever since Adam rebelled. We are, in one sense, trying to end that war. Some would have preachers compromise the truth in order to "promote peace and harmony among the many different forms of Christianity." Compromising the truth may cause men to quit fighting with one another, but it shall not make them quit fighting with God. A man who compromises the truth has not ended the warfare, but has insured its continuance: his hearers go on in their rebellion against God! The only way that this fight can be ended is by the preaching of the truth, itself. The truth is such a wondrous thing that it has the capacity, when God wills it, to reconcile people to itself. The very truth that makes men angry with God is the truth that God uses to reconcile those angry men to Himself. Without that truth, no one will be reconciled to God!
In this Scripture Paul calls on his readers to be reconciled to God. Does he seek to promote this reconciliation by hiding those aspects of the God's truth which are most flesh-provoking? Does he say, "All things are of God, but you don't have to believe that to be a christian?" (5:19) Does he say, "Christ is a savor of life unto life to some and death unto death to others, and it's alright if you believe that you are sufficient to determine what it shall be for you? (2:15,16) Does He say that God made Christ to be sin for us in order that we would be made the righteousness of God in Him but its alright if you believe He was made sin for some who are never made righteous in Him? Not at all! To succumb to such compromise is most dishonoring to God and most hateful to one's listeners. So, if someone ever says to you, "You're just trying to start a fight," say, "No, I hope to end one before you get hurt."
Grace Community Church
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