Friday, December 13, 2013

A Personal Need for Sovereign Grace

It is an amazing thing, to me, that people are so opposed to the doctrine of the gospel that declares man to be absolutely depraved and God to be absolutely sovereign.  Those who oppose such doctrine would do well to consider the alternative. 

If the gospel is not for the "Totally Depraved," then it must be that I am required to produce at least some of my own righteousness before God ‑ a thing I know by experience is impossible for me.

If my salvation did not come about by the sovereign, electing will of God, then my salvation is left up to my will which I know to be a perverse and changing thing. 

If my redemption was not utterly secured by Jesus Christ in such a fashion that His work cannot fail to save me, then I am left with the job of redeeming myself; a redemption which is far too high a price for me to pay. 

If my knowledge of the gospel and faith in Christ are not by the omnipotent, and therefore, irresistible work of the Spirit of God, then I am left with the job of teaching myself and generating my own faith, a task which I tried and at which I utterly failed for a long time. 

If my preservation and perseverance in the faith are not by the continual love of God for me, the continual, effectual intercession of Christ in my behalf, and the unlimited patience and power of the Holy Spirit to create and maintain life in me, then I am on my own from now until I reach heaven and I know myself too weak for such a long and strenuous march. 

In short, if my salvation is not by the sovereign grace of God, then it is up to me.  And that means that if my salvation is not by the sovereign grace of God, I will not be saved.  It is a head‑shaking amazement to me that men demand the right to damn themselves if they choose to do so.  Rather, let me magnify the sovereign, free, omnipotent grace of God that saved this depraved sinner and may I continually exult in the gospel of Isaiah (52:7) which says, "Your God reigns!" 

Grace Community Church Web Site

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