Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pride and Despair Killed By Grace

Where is boasting then?  It is excluded!  (Romans 3:27)

What would you think if someone said to you, "I have been so good today, I'm just certain that I am a child of God."  I'm sure you would be shocked by such a statement and might well wonder if, indeed, such a one were a child of God. The self‑righteousness of such a statement would be revolting to any believer.  Why then, do we often think, "I have been so bad today, I wonder if I am really a child of God."  Since we do not believe that it is by our righteousness we stand, why do we believe that by our lack of it we shall fall?  Sin cannot help but grieve the child of God, BUT IT NEVER NEED BE AN OCCASION OF DOUBT!  Those who, by grace, have learned the meaning of, "Where then is boasting?  It is excluded!" can go on to say, "Where then is despair?  It is, likewise, excluded!"  The same grace that excludes boasting in our righteousness also excludes despair over sin.  When you fall, grieve for it, for sin is a grievous thing.  But, if your hope is in the Living God and His Son, Christ Jesus, never think for a moment that a failure in your righteousness has brought you once again into condemnation.  Your acceptance before God does not rest one iota upon your righteousness, so any failure in the same can have no affect on that acceptance.  No, if you are accepted at all, you are "accepted in the Beloved" (Ephesians 1:6) and His righteousness never fails!

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